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{{customer_first_name}}, we have a special exclusive offer just for you to elevate your Satéur™ collection.

Imagine the confidence and admiration you’ll command at any night out, wedding, or gala, showcasing this luxurious collection.

The Satéur 1874™ Collector Bundle features 3 exquisite Satéur Rings: the Satéur Destinée 1874 Ring™ (2.00 Carat), the Satéur Tout Autour 1874 Ring™, and the Satéur Empiler 1874 Ring™. Valued at $267,000 for diamond equivalents.

Experience the full splendor of sparkling Satéur Gems with this ultimate bundle. With this incredible deal, you’ll enjoy the most significant savings ever.

Why not elevate your style and add this exceptional offer to your order?

78.2% Customers Bought Together

**Disclaimer - by clicking “Yes” above we will add this product to your order, and you will be charged for automatically.
This One-time Exclusive Offer is not available elsewhere on the site.